Sunday Morning Thoughts
October 7, 2018
After working out in the yard yesterday I realized that all that hard work we did last spring, from cleaning it all up from the winter, planting the garden for the veggies and fruit, watching the chickens grow from baby chicks just 3 days old to mature birds, and of course cutting the grass a lot this year, is coming full circle again. The gardens are becoming empty, the smell of the lilacs is gone, the mower needs to be winterize soon, and the chickens will need special care with the cold weather coming.
But with that said I find the fall of the year to be my favorite. The outdoor temperature suits me better. I feel better physically and mentally. Maybe that is the is easier to work in the cooler weather than the heat and humidity. Those super hot days of 95 degrees and high humidity just about drop me.
I spent part of the day with Michelle yesterday just rambling around...checking out some windows and a patio door for the house that will need to be replaced in the future, ran to Hazel Green to get my work schedule from Gasser's True Value (that's another story for later how that came about), we then ran over to Dubuque after that. On the way we stopped at a new place on Rt. 35 in East Dubuque called "Anchors & Arrows" . it's a home decor store with some neat hand crafted things like signs, planters, antique/vintage items, and some re-purposed one of a kind things too. We met Jody one of the owners, and after talking to her we exchanged business cards, and she looks at my card and says "the radio guy". Of course I couldn't lie to her and had to say that I have not been on the air for about 9 years now...she said she knew my voice as I was talking to Michelle when we first got there. It's crazy sometimes that people will say that to thanks to the "radio gods" for letting my voice be heard and still remembered sometimes. Be sure to stop and see Jody and Grace and see their new store.
We landed in Dubuque and we talked about having lunch somewhere...ended up at East Mill Bakeshop on Grandview Ave. It's the old "Milkhouse" on the triangle of Grandview and, I think it's Bryant St....too lazy to check Google Map. We have been there before and have had their breakfast sandwiches at the Dubuque Farmer's Market too. Grilled Cheese Sammies and a bowl of Tomato Basil soup hit the spot. I did forget to ask how much longer the Dubuque Farmers Market runs this year. I will be Googling that later.
After lunch we went back thru East Dubuque and drove down Sinsinawa Ave. You know as many times I have been to East Dubuque I never drove up the hill at the end of the street, I would always u-turn there and head out the other way. We ventured up the hill. It was pretty cool. Old brick road that winds to the top of the hill and the residential area. Sometimes you just have to be adventurous.
Those are the days I like the most when we can get out and see the world we live in. So on this Sunday jump in the old car and drive down a road you have never been on before. Be surprised what you might find. Remember what Ernest Hemingway said...
"Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”